Answers IQ test

Question 34

image/svg+xml 10 17 11 11/7 60/7 18/7 18/49 ?
What is the next number in this sequence?


There is a varied pattern here. In the first step the transformation is +7, then the transformation is -6, then the transformation is /7 and then the transformation is +7again.
image/svg+xml 10 17 11 11/7 60/7 18/7 18/49 ? +7 -6 /7 +7 -6 /7 +7

Question statistics

Question ID: V88WDdPv
Main category: Numerical Reasoning
Sub category: Number sequences
Difficulty Level: 14What is item difficulty?
Nr of times answered:
Percentage of answers correct: %
Item Response Theory (IRT)What is Item Response Theory?
Item difficulty: 14 / 20What is item difficulty?

Time spent: you used 54 seconds to answer this question