Answers IQ test

Question 19

image/svg+xml -2 -3 6 5 19 13 37 ?
What is the next number in this sequence?


In this sequence there are actually two sequences. 1 sequence for the numbers in odd positions (1,3,5 enz) and one sequence for the numbers in the even positions (2,4,6 enz.) The following applies to the numbers in the odd positions:
You can find the second number in the sequence by applying the following transformation to the first number: +8 You find the third number in the sequence by applying the following transformation to the second number: +13 You can see that this is not the same number. Every step the number in the transformation changes with +5
VThe following applies to the numbers in the even positions:
In this sequence you find the next number by applying the following transformation: +8
image/svg+xml -2 -3 6 5 19 13 37 ? +8 +8 +13 +8 +18 +8

Question statistics

Question ID: PfbnHX4q
Main category: Numerical Reasoning
Sub category: Number sequences
Difficulty Level: 14What is item difficulty?
Nr of times answered:
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Item Response Theory (IRT)What is Item Response Theory?
Item difficulty: 14 / 20What is item difficulty?

Time spent: you used 75 seconds to answer this question