Welcome to the Brght Adaptive IQ Test
This is your personal adaptive IQ Test, designed to evaluate your Logical, Numerical and Spatial reasoning.

With a pool of over 5000 questions, our algorithm customizes the test to match your abilities, offering an efficient and accurate evaluation in just 30 minutes.

To get familiar with the test format, the questions begin at an easy level and gradually increase in difficulty until they match your skill level. It's expected and normal not to know the answers to some questions eventually—that's how the test determines your level.

Just relax, do your best and enjoy the process!
A few things before you start:
  • The test has 40 questions and needs to be finished in 30 minutes. You get 45 seconds for the first question, and each next one adds another 45 seconds. Answering early questions fast gives you more time for the harder ones later.
  • Try to answer all questions for the highest score. If you're unsure about a question, make an educated guess to keep going.
  • Use only your brain, no calculators or pens.
  • Questions must be answered in sequence; skipping questions is not possible.
  • If you're not satisfied with your results, you have the option to retake the test with a new set of questions.