Because the brght IQ test is an adaptive IQ test, no test taker will answer the same set of questions. To provide a fair and balanced test, it is important to understand the difficulty of the questions (item difficulty) and whether a question is answered correctly more often by people with a high IQ than by people with a slightly lower IQ (item discrimination).
In addition to item difficulty and item discrimination, it is also important to understand how long an average test taker needs to answer a question correctly. This information allows us to select a set of questions for each individual test taker that is challenging but possible to answer within the given time.
For every answer given by every test taker, we store whether the answer was correct and how much time was needed to come to the answer. Based on all this data, we can create a graph for each question and calculate the optimal time to spend on the question, based on the performance of those who have actually answered the question.
For the average test taker who has answered the question, the graph shows that the optimal time to spend on the question is 32 seconds. While there may be variations among individual test takers, this graph can provide useful information for those who may spend too little time on questions and make more mistakes than they would otherwise make, or for those who spend too much time on each question and are unable to answer all the questions within the given time. By understanding the optimal time to spend on a question, test takers can adjust their approach and improve their performance.