Highest IQ scores of people studying Medical Biochemistry
Possible Career paths
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Medical Biochemist
Clinical Biochemist
Laboratory Manager
Highest IQ scores of people studying Medical Biochemistry
Medical Biochemistry is a field of study that focuses on the biochemical processes and pathways that occur in the human body, and how these processes can be applied to the diagnosis and treatment of disease. It is a bridge between the fields of medicine and biochemistry, combining knowledge from both to better understand the molecular basis of health and disease.
Based on the 1267200 people who completed an IQ test at BRGHT, the average IQ of people who study Medical Biochemistry is 100.44. With this IQ score, Medical Biochemistry ranks #209 on the list of studies by average IQ.
It is important to remember that intelligence is complex and multifaceted, and that intelligence tests do not capture all aspects of human cognitive ability. The BRGHT IQ Test measures candidates' logical reasoning, numerical and spatial reasoning skills.
Based on the 1267200 people who completed an IQ test at BRGHT, the average IQ of people who study Medical Biochemistry is 100.44. With this IQ score, Medical Biochemistry ranks #209 on the list of studies by average IQ.
It is important to remember that intelligence is complex and multifaceted, and that intelligence tests do not capture all aspects of human cognitive ability. The BRGHT IQ Test measures candidates' logical reasoning, numerical and spatial reasoning skills.