Choose your IQ Test
Get a quick scan of your IQ with the short IQ test, or choose the Full Scale IQ test for an exact result.
IQ Estimation
Quick scan of your IQ with free results
Free IQ Test; free results.
  • 15 minutes - 20 questions
  • Logical, Numerical and Spatial Reasoning
  • Uncertainty of +/- 10 IQ points
Full IQ Test
Full IQ Test with exact results
IQ Test + full result + certificate
  • 30 minutes - 40 questions
  • Logical, Numerical and Spatial Reasoning
  • Exact result
  • Unlimited attempts
  • Review your answers with step-by step-solutions


  1. Number of Questions:

    The test consists of 20 or 40 questions.
  2. Test Duration:

    You will have a total of 15 or 30 minutes to answer as many of the questions as possible.
  3. Scoring Strategy:

    To achieve a high score, it is best to answer all questions. Take the time to carefully answer each question, but do not spend too much time on questions you do not know the answer to.
  4. Scoring Criteria:

    Your score is based on the number of questions you answer correctly, the difficulty level of the questions you answered correctly, and the time you used to answer all the questions.
  5. Difficulty Level:

    The difficulty level of the questions will be adjusted according to your level. There are 20 different difficulty levels, and all users start with a level 1 question. The difficulty level increases by 1 for each correct answer and decreases by 1 for each incorrect answer.
  6. IQ Score Calculation:

    Your score is calculated using a 2PL IRT model combined with an EAP scoring algorithm. Simply put, this model predicts the probability of a correct answer for each IQ level on every question. As you progress through the test, the algorithm continuously estimates your IQ based on your responses. Once complete, your final score is benchmarked against all test-takers, resulting in an IQ score with a median of 100 and a standard deviation of 15.
  7. Test Retake:

    You can take the test as many times as you want, and the questions will be different each time.
  8. Calculator Use:

    You are not allowed to use a calculator during the test.
  9. Test Pause:

    The test cannot be paused.
  10. Answer Change:

    Once you submit an answer to a question, you cannot change it.
  11. Result Access:

    To support the site, we ask a single payment of $19.95 after the full test for the results; There is no auto-renewal or subscription.